petek, 19. marec 2010

Photo Transfers

I guess I got a bit bored with cardmaking, so I tried something different, something new for me.... PHOTO TRANSFERS.
I have seen some beautiful ones and I thought I really would like that....

Lets get to work!

First some research....internet, blogs and youtube watching....and then I hit the shop. OK, I got Fimo, I got beautiful picture of angel which I thought I will transfer easily....according to internet posts.

Well I'm on my fourth try ( I also tried with Das material) and I still didn't get it....but I'll try again until I get it! :-)

I haven't work with Fimo for a long time and I guess I'll do something with it in the meantime...while I figure it out what am I doing wrong.

I'll keep you posted! :-)

Besides working...well trying to work.... with fimo, I have done some colourfull Easter eggs...

and I got an order to do a gift for a girl...a beaded bracelet. Of course a beautiful bracelet can't go away without beautiful wooden next time.

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