sreda, 24. april 2013


I was asked to do a b'day card for a lovely gal.
She will be 21 and she will be surprised by a trip to Venice
(I hope my blog coverage will not ruin the surprise).
Here are two different cards, both in the Venetian style.
The first is "Vintage Rialto bridge".



The second is a more "shabby chic meets Venice".


Guess which one was picked as a "winner"?
Here are some picks in venetian style as an inspiration....

The first one goes in the game:

petek, 19. april 2013

Patina effect

Hi there!

For the month of April and his tag, Tim H. chose patina effect.
I love this effect and effect of metallic look.
So I created a card in the "TH' 12 Tags of 2013 Month of April" style.
It's almost all TH stuff I used in this one.
Photos do not show the shimmer of the metallic effect, but it's there.
Nevertheless patina is shown and as I said love the effect you can pull out of distress products.


četrtek, 18. april 2013

Mrs. B. - DIVA

She is an entertainer!
I enjoyed the show!

sreda, 10. april 2013

wORdS I LovE





torek, 2. april 2013

Blog award

Here it first blog award!
My thanks for this award goes to Lava.
Here is little something about the award (in Slovene as well - povzeto po Lavinem prevodu):
This award was designed to be a blog award in the "pay it forward" fashion.
Once you've been nominated, you award it to five blogs that you like that have
fewer than 200 followers,
to encourage new visitors to visit these blogs.

The rules for accepting this award are:
You need to thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog. Post the award onto your blog. Give the award to five bloggers who you appreciate that have fewer than 200 followers. Leave a comment on their blog letting them know that you have given them this awesome award!
Next you need to PAY IT FORWARD!

še po slovensko:
Nekaj malega o nagradi:

Nagrada je bila narejena, kot taka, da jo posreduješ naprej.
Ko si enkrat nominiran, jo podeliš petim blogom, ki so ti všeč in
imajo manj kot 200 "zasledovalcev",
da navdušiš nove obiskovalce, da obiščejo te bloge.

Pravila za sprejetje te nagrade so:

Zahvaliti se moraš osebi, ki ti je podelila nagrado in prilepiti povezavo do njenega/njegovega bloga. Objaviš nagrado na svojem blogu. Podeliš jo 5 bloggerjem, ki so ti všeč in imajo manj kot 200 zasledovalcev. Na njihovi strani objaviš komentar, da jih obvestiš o njihovi nagradi.

The award goes to:
Nagrada gre:

All the girls are great and full of creativity. Love your art!
Take care!